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Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Audio Logo GmbH
Perfecting print 
with sound, light & video

Sound in Print

Advertising materials you can hear!

Sound is one of the quickest ways to your customer’s heart. Personalize the message both in print and on the sound chip. Talking envelopes have become one of our bestsellers.

Use the hook of a song, sound effect or your sound logo to bring attention and identity to your advertising message.

Produktbild Taktstock

Produktbild Moet

Produktbild Bonjovi

Produktbild Alcantara

Sound in Print Overview:

  • Sound length from 10 to 60 seconds is available.
  • Up to 24 Khz. Sampling Rate of sound chip.
  • Multiple activation possibilities are available (e.g. card opening, push button, light sensor, motion detector,…)
  • We program every module individually
  • Personalization of the sound chip and print is available.
  • We also take care of securing licenses and rights to music and GEMA fees.
  • Production starts at 500 pieces.
  • We offer quick delivery times and the best quality sound cards available.
  • Full service letter shop for complete mailings with post optimization and delivered to the post office (all countries in Europe/World).



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